1NT OPENING - 15-17 hcp

1nt opening is the mostly important convention in any system and here we will discuss many agreements used inside this convention. Some partnership have convention that their 1nt opening is weak limited in 12-14 hcp, others have a convention that in hands 5332 with a major suit having 15-17 hcp they prefer to open the major and we also prefer to open the major when we have only 15 hcp.

First the disciplined 1nt opening should have a range of 15-17 hcp (high cards points: A=4, K=3, Q=2 and J=1) in a balanced distribution 4333 or 4432 or 5332 with stoppers in 3 suits. Of course there are others conventions where the range for 1nt opening is 16-18 or 14-16 ...

Hands 5422
with 16-17 hcp with 5 cards minor and 4 cards major should be opened in the minor and then reversed for the major when both suit have top honors. The opening in 1nt with 15 hcp and 5422 distribution it is not recommended.
AQ QJ84 AQ J8543         should be open 1nt
KQ109 K18 A9 KQ1083  should be open 1
KQJ8 Q4 AK1054 Q3      should be open 1
K1092 K10 A6543 AQ    should be open 1nt
K1092 K10 AJ543 A2     should be open 1
Hands 4432 with both majors and 15-17 hcp missing stopper in the 2 cards suit should be opened in the minor 3 cards trying to find fit in the major because Responder having 5-7 hcp could pass having a major:
AQ32 QJ84 AQ2 43     could be open 1 if partner bids major raise to 2
KQ109 AK102 92 KQ9 could be open 1 if partner bids major jump to 3
KQJ8 QJ104 AK4 J3    could be open 1 if partner bids major jump to 3
AKQ9 J1032 AK2 73   could be open 1 if partner bids major jump to 3
KJ92 KQ103 43 AQJ    could be open 1 if partner bids major jump to 3   
Hands 5332 with 5 cards major and 15-17 hcp has not space to use a convention that allows to find a fit 5-3. But, like recommended by Alvin Roth "Always plan a second bid before you choose a first". So there are moments that the opening in 1nt is more apropriated than the opening in a major, but in general when we play in 5-3 fit it is more confortable than play in 1nt where we need good stoppers in more than one suit.

The problem in the opening in a major with 5332 and 15-17 is that after response in 1nt our second bid will be in a minor with 3 card, same situation when we have 12-14 hcp, but Responder having 8-9 hcp may pass and that could be a underbid.
Of course if Responder bids again then we can show our maximum bidding 2nt to show 16-17 hcp making an invitation that we can't do after his 1nt because in our system after 1 major opening and response in 1nt out bid in 2nt is GF.
KJ1082 QJ4 K10 AQ3 or KQ1092 A108 A9 K103 are hands that may be opened in 1nt or in 1!   
Opener Responder
        1nt <= forcing
        2  <= 6-9 hcp
 2nt <= 16-17 hcp
Opener Responder
        2nt  <= 10-11 hcp invitation
 3nt <= 15-17 hcp
Opener Responder
1        1nt
        3 <= 10-11 hcp invitation
 3nt  <= 15-17 hcp
Opener Responder
1        1nt
 2nt  <= GF read explanation here

Balanced hands where partnership have together 25-26 hcp has a great chances of success in 3nt/4
/4 so, Responder, that is the captain for final contract, with a 4333 and 10-15 hcp should bid 3nt to avoid give opponents information about Opener's hand, but with 4432 and at least one major suit could search Opener’s hand for a fit in a major using the Stayman convention.
J1082 QJ4 K108 A103 or Q1082 K108 A95 Q103
Opener Responder
 1nt       3nt (with 4333)

THE TRANSFERS - in the 50's was born the understanding that is often advantageous for declarer that the lead come up to the strong hand. Olle Willner from Stockholm, Sweden published a series of articles about transfer in the Bridge Tidningen during 1953-54. In United States David Carter of St. Louis introduced the Texas Transfer and Oswald Jacoby publish at Bridge Word in 1956 the use of transfer for majors. There are curios situations after the transfer for the strong hand that the player who leads may be already in endplay (all leads are disadvantageous!).
read more about transfer here.




South opens the hand with 1nt and West overcall 2, then North a intermediate player without the knowledge of Texas transfer bid 4 and all pass.
East lead
8 and after J and A a little was played for East over ruff 9 with his J.
Then East play
3 declarer play low Clubs from dummy and West made the K for down 1.
In the other table N-S play 4
made after 1nt 2 4 transfer to 4.
So, this simple example shows a clear advantage in the strong hand receive the lead.


W      E





In fact after the revolutionary Transfer's discovery there are many options to make very good bidding not only after 1nt opening.
By the way Transfer it is recommended that all Responder's hands having 7/8 cards major and less than 10 hcp should be bided in transfer:
Opener Responder
/1  4 <= transfer to 4 <= 6-10 hcp and 7/8 cards with 2 top honors
Opener Responder
/1  4 <= transfer to 4 >= 5-10 hcp and 7/8 cards with 2 top honors

For an auction without interference we have the follows responses:

Opener Responder
   1nt     pass <= nothing to do
  <= Stayman (asking for major)
  <= transfer to 2
  <= transfer to 2
  <= transfer to 3   
              2nt <= transfer to 3
  <= 5-4 in minors with 5431 and singleton in Hearts
  <= 5-4 in minors with 5431 and singleton in Spades
  <= hand 5-5 in with singleton/void in Hearts
  <= hand 5-5 in with singleton/void in Spades
              3nt <= to play shows 10-15 hcp in 4333 or good long suit 6+ cards
  <= Gerber (asking for Aces 4=0/4, 4=1, 4=2, 4nt=3)
  <= transfer to 4 (no Slam interest - just long suit)
  <= transfer to 4 (no Slam interest - just long suit)
  <= transfer to 5 sign-off
              4nt <= quantitative
shows 16-17 hcp - with 17 or 16+ bids 6nt
  <= transfer to 5 sign-off
              5nt <=
shows 19-20 hcp - invitation to 7nt with 16+ bids 6nt
              6nt <= to play (18 hcp 4432 or 4333)

1) when Responder should pass?
If Responder has a balanced hand 4333 or 4432 and less than 8 hcp he should pass, include in 5332 with 5 cards minor, but with 5 cards major or 6 cards minor Responder should transfer for the Opener to play the hand because there are a great chance that Responder's long suit stay with the 4th and 5th cards good but without a entry in dummy. In other words when Responder's hand is poor the hand must be played in Responder's long suit after a transfer.

2) When should Responder use the 2
There are many hands to use it - the propose is to find a fit to play the hand in a suit. The Stayman convention used by Samuel M Stayman (1909-1993) and his partner George N Rapée (1915-1999), published in 1945 in the Bridge World, and it is a standard way to search the hand, initially for major, after for minors using a posteriori innovation with a Extended Stayman (or second Stayman).

2.1) So after 1nt opening the first Stayman uses 2 Clubs
to ask for a major suit and Opener has only 3 answers possible
Opener Responder 
 1nt        2

  <= no major
  <= 4 cards and can also have 4 cards
  <= 4 cards and denies 4 cards

2.2.1) After first Stayman Responder may continue searching Opener's hand for other suit and distribution with the Extended Stayman bidding now 3
Opener Responder 
  1nt     2

      3  <= Extended Stayman, now for minors
<= 5 cards minor
relay asking the minor and the Opener bids: 
= 5 cards  or 3nt = 5 cards <= responses up the line
<= both minors and 3 cards => 2344  
<= both minors and 3 cards => 3244 
 3ST <=
4333 and bad distribution to play in a minor - undefined minor

All fpllow bids out of these sequences are natural and the captain for final contract continue to be the Responder.

2.2.2) After Opener bids 2
the Extended Stayman continue:
Opener Responder 
  1nt     2

      3  <= Extended Stayman continuation to search for other suit
  <= shows 4-4
  <= shows 4-4   
  <= shows 4-4
 3ST <= shows only one suit: 3

2.2.3) After Opener bids 2
the Extended Stayman continue:
Opener Responder 
  1nt     2

      3  <= Extended Stayman continuation to search for other suit
  <= shows 4-4
  3  <= shows
4-4 (Hearts suit was denied bidding 2) 
  <= shows 5 in 5332
 3ST <= shows only one suit: 4

Note1: When Responder has a G
F hand with 4 cards in a major and 5+ cards in a minor, he first search Opener's hand for a fit in a major using Stayman and if he has a singleton or void he may continue the search for a fit in a minor suit using Extended Stayman trying not play in nt with unbalanced hand.

2.4) After the Stayman Responder can also make invitation to game asking Opener if he has maximum (17 hcp or 16+ good hcp) to bid game:
Opener Responder
 1nt       2

        2NT => invitation with 8-9 hcp   
         3   => invitation with 8-9 hcp balanced with 4 cards
.......       2
   => invitation with 8-9 hcp balanced with 4 cards
  =>  3   => invitation with 8-9 hcp balanced with 4 cards
.......      2nt  => invitation with 8-9 hcp balanced hand (no promise 4

2.5) After the Stayman Responder jumps to game (no Slam interest)
Opener Responder
 1nt        2

  => 3nt => sign-off the auction       
  => 4  => sign-off the auction
.......      3nt => showing 4
cards so Opener can bid 4
  => 4   => sign-off the auction
.......      3nt => sign-off the auction

2.6) After the Stayman Responder can try Slam: 
Opener Responder
 1nt        2

  =>  4 => Gerber asking for aces (Slam interest)
......       4
  => transfer to 4 - showing 46
......       4
  => transfer to 4 - showing 64 
  => 3/4/4 splinters with 4 cards (Slam interest)
......       4nt is RKB0314 for
asking for keycards (Slam interest)
  => 4/4/4 splinters with 4 cards (Slam interest)
......       4nt is RKB0314 for
asking for keycards (Slam interest)

Note2: After a splinter Opener makes evaluation of his hand and rebid his suit
to sign-off or try Slam bidding RKC1430 in 4nt asking for keycards or depending on the convention used by partnership:
1- may use cuebid or
2- may use show Opener's honors in 4 steps:
     first step: 2A+1K+Queen;
second step: 3A+1K;
   third step: 3A+1K+Queen
 fourth step: 4 keycards
read more in aces-conventions (after splinter) or in splinter

2.3) Garbage Stayman - considering that the Opener have only 3 answers for a 2
Stayman it is possibly make a Stayman bid with weak hand and pass at any bid from Opener, but in this case Responder must be shorter in Clubs (0/1) having 4/3 in majors and 5 cards in Diamonds to do that (with only 4 cards in Diamonds it is danger finish in a fit 4-2 if Opener has 3325). Responder's distribution should be 4450 or 4360 or 3460 or 4351 or 3451.
Opener Responder 
 1nt      2
<= Stayman
      pass <= means garbage hand
      pass <= means garbage hand
      pass <= means garbage hand

2.4) After the Stayman a sign-off in a major. When the Responder has less than 8 hcp and a 54xx in the majors or a 44xx with both majors 4-4 Responder can also create a sign-off sequence hoping that is a better contract in a fit 4-3 in a major:
Opener Responder 
  1nt      2

......       2
<=shows 54xx <= sign-off
......       2
<=shows 45xx or 44xx so Opener with 3
......             cards in
pass and with only 2 cards in bids 2

Note3: this
is one reason that 1nt opening can't have 2-2 in the majors.

2.5) Smolen - created by Mike Smolen (1940-1992) is a forcing bid with 5-4 cards majors distribution and 9+ hcp. The objective is to transfer the play to the strong hand if a fit 5-3 is found.
Opener Responder 
  1nt      2

......       3
<= shows 5 cards and only 4 cards
......       3
<= shows 5 cards and only 4 cards
   ?  <= Opener can find a 5-3 fit in a major or bid 3nt.

When Responder has a 6-4 in the majors after the 3
/3 Smolen bid in level 3, if Opener bided 3nt then Responder force a transfer in level 4 bidding 4 transfer to 4 or bidding 4 transfer to 4.
Of course after response 2
the texas transfer in 4 or 4 could be done but in hands that Responder is also interested in Slam but need a fit 6-3 even with 6 cards in a major he may use Smolen to know if Opener has 3 cards or no.
Opener Responder 
  1nt      2

      3/3 <= Smolen
  3nt        ?
......        4
<= transfer to 4
......        4
<= transfer to 4
3.1) Jacoby transfer - 2
transfer to 2
Opener Responder 
  1nt      2
<= transfer to 2
  <= denies 4 cards support or maximum with 3 cards and 2 top honors
  2nt <= 17 hcp and 3 cards support with 2 top honors (AK/AQ/KQ)    
<= 4 cards support and 16-17 hcp
 Responder decide:
     - pass in 2
     - 3
for a sign-off transfer in 3 after Opener's 2nt
     - 3 with 6 and 8 hcp - invitation
after Opwne's 2
- bidding another suit for GF or Slam try / 4nt asking for aces

3.2) Jacoby transfer - 2
transfer to 2 
Opener Responder 
  1nt      2
<= transfer to 2
  <= denies 4 cards support or maximum with 3 cards and 2 top honors
  2nt <= 17 hcp and 3 cards support with 2 top honors (AK/AQ/KQ)    
<= 4 cards support and 16-17 hcp
Responder decide:
     - pass,
     - 3
to show 5-5 in majors and GF after Opener's 2,
     - 3 with 6 and 8 hcp - invitation after Opener's 2,

     - bidding another suit for GF or Slam try / 4nt asking for ace

4) 4 way transfer with pre accept is a extension of Jacoby transfers applied for minors with additional that the response shows if Opener is maximum with good support in that minor (I like - I can play 3nt) or if Opener is minimum (I don't like - I can't play 3nt).

4.1) Transfer for Clubs - 2
transfer to 3 (normally 6 unless Responder's hand is 5431 and very weak) or search for maximum
Opener Responder 
  1nt      2
<= transfer to 3
  2nt  <= minimum or no good support for 3
(means don't like)
   <= maximum and 3+ cards support with A or K (I like - maximum)
Opener Responder
<= transfer to 3
  2nt      pass with invitation hand 8-9 hcp like
Axx Jxx Axxx 10xx 
              this strategic way to search for max/min in 1nt open avoid
              Opener give inform hand to opponents if has or no 4 cards major.
       <= Opener has maximum, so pass with < 8 hcp or bid game or try Slam

4.2) Transfer to Diamonds - 2nt transfer to 3
(normally 6 cards but with 5-5 in the minors and very weak hand it is better try to play in a minor)
Opener Responder 
  1nt      2nt <= transfer to 3

  <= minimum or no good support for 3 (means don't like)
               if Responder has weak 5
-5 now he may pass
  <= maximum and 3+ cards support with A or K (I like)
              if Responder has no A or K and less than 7 hcp he must pass
              Responder bids 3nt with 6+ hcp and 6
cards with a top honor A/K
Opener Responder
  1nt       2
<= transfer to Clubs
<= I like  
.......       with (a)
xx Jx xxx KQ10xxx => bid 3nt
.......               (b)
xx xx xxx AJ10xxx => bid 3nt  
.......               (c)
xx Kxx xx J1098xx => pass
Opener Responder
  1nt      2nt <= transfer to
 <= I like       
.......      with (d)
xx Jxx KQ10xxx xx=> bid 3nt
.......              (e)
xx xx AJ9xxx  Jxx => bid 3nt  
.......              (f)
xx Qxx Q76xxx xx => pass

Note4: When Responder has a total sign-off hand in a minor and Opener denies interest in his suit, Responder must correct the auction and sign-off in his long suit.


5) When Responder has 2 majors there are two situations to analyses:
5.1) showing a 5-5 GF:
Opener Responder
  1nt      2
  <= transfer to 2
       3  < 5-5 GF
   ?  <= in this case Opener can also shows his hand:
......      3nt means weak hand and poor support for majors;
......      4
is a cue bid with maximum showing interest in Slam and
......           then Responder with singleton in Diamonds bids 4
......      4
is a cue bid with maximum showing interest in Slam and
......           then Responder with singleton in Clubs can try Slam;
......   4
/4 is minimum (it is a nt with many Q and J).

5.2) showing a 5-5 SIGN-OFF:
Opener Responder
  1nt      2
  <= transfer to 2
       2  <= 5-5 WEAK
   ?  <= Opener with 3
cards pass
......       Opener with
only 2 cards in
then bids 3
......       even with 4 cards in a major Opener must sign-off because
......       Responder can have a hand like:
J10xxx Q10xxx x xx

6) How Responder shows 5 cards major and 5 card minor in GF?
If Responder transfer first to the major and then bids the minor this shows 5-4 and the minor is 4 cards, but if Responder has 5 cards major and 5 cards minor he needs first to transfer for the minor (m) then he bids the major (M). Thus now we have a convention to know when Responder is 5M4m and when Responder is 5M5m and 10+ hcp.

Opener Responder
  1nt       2
<= transfer to 3
  2nt <= don't like
.......        3
<= 55 Game Force (GF)
.......        3
<= 55 GF
<= I like
.......        3
<= 55 GF
.......        3
<= 55 GF
  ?  <= Opener with minimum and stoppers in the others suits bid 3nt;
......      Opener with minimum and 3 cards in the major bid game in major;
......      Opener without 3 cards in the Responder's major and poor stoppers
......              in the other major can prefer the minor at level 4 or level 5;
......      Opener with maximum can cuebid in the other minor minor or in
......              the other major showing interest in Slam;
......      Responder with a 6m5M hand can bid/rebid his minor 6 cards suit
......              at level 5 denying interesting to play 3nt.

Opener Responder
  1nt       2nt <= transfer to 3

<= don't like
<= 55 GF
<= 55 GF
<= I like
<= 55 GF
<= 55 GF
 ?  <= Opener with minimum and good stoppers in the others suits bid 3nt;
           Opener with minimum and 3 cards in the major bid game in major;
           Opener without 3 cards in the Responder's major and poor stop in
                    the other major can prefer the minor at level 4 or level 5;
           Opener with maximum can cuebid in the other minor minor or in
                    the other major showing interest in Slam;
           Responder with a 6m5M hand can bid/rebid his minor 6 cards suit
.....              at level 5 denying interest to play 3nt.

6.3) showing 6 card minor with 2 top honors = Slam interest
Opener     Responder
  1NT        2
 2NT/3   4 <= 6+ cards - 2 top honors - asking for Opener cuebid

Opener      Responder
   1NT        2NT
 3/3     4 <= 6+ cards 2 top honors - asking for Opener cuebid

6.4) showing long weak major
When pd opening is 1nt and we have a weak 7/8 cards in a major we may transfer to level 4 hoping Opener have 3 aces.
Responder have 
K10xxxxx x 98xx x
Opener Responder
 1nt        4
    <= transfer for 4
       pass  <= if pd has 3 aces great chances to make 4!

Responder have 
x K10965432 98x x
Opener Responder
 1nt        4
    <= transfer for 4
       pass  <= if pd has 3 aces great chances to make 4!


CONSIDERATIONS: When partner opens 1nt and we have both minors in 5422 (no singleton) with a limited hand 10-14 hcp the chances in Slam is low, so it is recommended that we bid directly 3nt and not try to find a better contract in a minor suit at level 5 that also could help opponents find the best lead for defense. Even when our partnership has no stopper in a specific major the chances of this suit be divided 4-4 is significant. Thus it is recommended that we show our two minors only when we have a singleton in a major.

So if Responder's hand is 5521/5530 or 5431 Opener need to know Responder's  shorter suit but the information about what minor is 5 cards and what minor is 4 cards it is not so revelant. Thus we may define that after 1nt opening response 3
means 5431 with singleton in Hearts and response 3 means singleton in Spades.

Thus the responses in level 3 are:
Opener Responder
 1nt       3
  <= 31??  <= 54 or 54 is undefined
             3  <=
13??  <= 54 or 54 is undefined
  <= 2155 or 3-55  <= singleton/void Hearts
  <= 1255 or -355  <= singleton/void Spades    

Of Course these responses at level 3 in minors to have success in game or in Slam will depend on in find a good fit and in a very special combinations of top honors (A and K), on the other hand this information alert Opener that the partnership may have no stopper in a major or a insatisfactory stopper like Q32. Then the bidding may stop at level 4 in a minor if Opener and Responder have minimum hands.

On the other hand the information of singleton in Responder's hand may increase Opener's hand to try Slam.

The question is what is a minimum or maximum and can we have a criterion to help our decision? Difficult, but lets propose one.

For Opener's valuation controls let's assume the follow criterion: Let A=2 controls and K=1 control, so we may also consider KQx=1,5 AQ=2,5 KQJ=2 AKJ=3.5 AJ10=2,5 AJx=2 KJx=1. Our criterion for Opener's maximum hand may be 6+ controls and for Responder's maximum hand may be 4,5 controls. Thus Opener is minimum with less than 6 controls and Responder with less than 4,5 controls.

Opener controls examples:
AJx Qx KJx KQJxx = 1 A + 2 K = 5 controls => minimum
AJx Qx Kxxx AKxx = 2 A + 2 K = 6 controls => maximum
AKx 9xxx Kx AKxx = 2 A + 3 K = 7 controls => maximum
KJx KJx KJx KQxx = 0 A + 4 K = 4,5 controls => minimum
Ax Axxx Axx Axxx = 4 A + 0 K = 8 controls => maximum
QJ09 QJx KQx AQx = 1 A + 1 K = 4 controls => minimum
KJ10 AJx AJx Qxxx = 2 A + 1 K = 5 controls => minimum 

Responder controls examples:
Axx x K10xx KQJxx = 5 controls => maximum
Jxx x KJxx AK9xx = 1 A + 2 K = 4 controls => minimum
xxx x KQxx KQJxx = 0 A + 1 KQ + 1 KQJ = 3,5 controls => minimum
x Qxx AKJxx K10xx = 1 A + 2 K = 4,5 controls => maximum
x Kxx KQ9xx AQxx = 1 AQ + 1 K + 1 KQ = 4 controls => maximum
z QJx KQxxx AQJx = 1 AQ + 1 KQ = 3 controls => minimum
x Axx AJ10xx KQxx = 2 A + 1 KQ = 5,5 controls => maximum 

So, after Responder bids a 5431 or 5521 hand Opener bids 3nt to play or made a relay asking his singleton:
Opener Responder
 1nt       3
<= 5431 with singleton in Hearts
             3 <= 5431 with singleton in Spades
             3 <= 5521 with singleton in Hearts
             3 <= 5521 with singleton in Spades

Opener Responder
 1nt       3
/3/3/3 <= shows a singleton in a major
 3nt       <= to play - shows good stopper in majors

But when Opener has no stopper in Responder's singleton major suit he must inform Responder to stop the bidding in a suit at level 4 or 5 due to no stopper in a major suit and also if he is minimum (up to 5,5 controls) or maximum (6+ controls), so Opener bids:    
 - his best minor at level 4 if he is minimum (< 6 controls) and
 - his best minor at level 5 if he is maximum (6+ controls).
When Opener bids his minor at level 4 then Responder bids:
 - pass if he is also minimum (< 4,5 controls) and
 - support Opener's minor at level 5 if is maximum (4,5+ controls)

Rule#1: When Opener is maximum but has only 3 cards in both minor he bids 4
(artificial bid) demanding that Responder bids his long minor at level 5.

Rule#2: After Responder shows his singleton suit in a 5431 or 5521 if Opener is maximum with a good fit for a minor and has the Ace or not wasted honors (K Q)in Responder'a singleton suit he could inquery Responder about A and K controls bidding 4
(artificial bid). Then Responder with up to 4 controls bids 4, with 5 controls bids 4nt, with 6+ controles bids 5.
Opener has =>  Ax Jxx KQ8xx KQx and the bidding goes:
Opener Responder
 1nt       3
  <= 5431 with 10-14 hcp and singleton Hearts
<= asks for controls
a)Responder having =>
 Qxx x A98xx AJ10x bids 4 (4 controls)
          So Opener not sure if Responder has 2 aces or just
K and only one
          ace bids 4nt asking aces (1430) and if Responder bids 5
(1 ace)
          then he sign-off in
5 but if Responder bids 5 (2 aces) he bids 6
b)Responder having => Kxx x A98xx AJxx bids 5nt (5 controls)
          So here considering Responder has nothing in Hearts knows that
          Responder has 2 aces and the King of Spades and so bids 6

c)Responder having => KJx x J109xx AJxx bids 5 (3 controls)
          So here Opener
after 4
response was not sure if Responder has
          2 aces or just one ace and K
then he bids rkc1430 and Responder
          bids 5
(1 ace) so Opener sign-off the bidding in 5 but as we can
a contract in 3nt will be defeat with a lead in Hearts 

Note5: When Responder does not has good honors in his minors, per example, with:
K10 Ax J98xx KJxx or with Kx KJ QJ8x Q10xxx and a 5422 hand he don't need inform his hand to Opener and he should bid 3nt, but with:
Qxx x AQ8xx AKxx or with x Kxx AJ109x KQ10x Responder must bid 3 in first example and 3 in the second example because he has a singleton.

Note6: When Responder has a good hand 5431 or 6421 with 14-15 hcp and very good suit like KQJ109 or AKQJx or KQJxxx he must transfer the hand to Opener and then try Slam directly bidding 4
nt asking for aces, or just bidding 4 Gerber after 1nt with a hand like
Kx Kx KQJ1082 Axx that should not be transfered.

Lets now explain how are the convention to show Responder distributional hand with 5-4 or 6-4 in minors.

7.1) 1nt response 3 shows 5431 with singleton in Hearts 10-14 hcp
Opener Responder
  1nt     3 <= 5431 with singleton in Hearts

  3 <= relay asks Responder if he is minimum or maximum
  .........  Responder bids:
  .........  3 => minimum

  .........     then Opener bids
4 or 4 as sign-off showing also minimum
  .........        or Opener bids 5
or 5 as sign-off showing maximum
  .........  3
=> maximum
  .........     then Opener bids 5 or 5 showing minimum or
  .........      Opener try Slam asking for aces or searching for controls with 4

  .........   4  => 6-4
with 2 top honors in Clubs - maximum GF 
  .........      then Opener decide final contract
  .........   4  => 6
-4 with 2 top honors in Diamonds - maximum GF
  .........       then Opener decide final contract
 3 <=  shows good stopper in Hearts but poor stopper in Spades
             Responder makes decision: 3nt with Spades stopper or just
 3 <=  shows A
and denies A showing maximum to play in minors 
             Responder makes decision: 4nt for aces or
5 that may be correct
3nt <= to play - good stoppers in both majors possible 23 cards
            Responder bids:
             4 => 6 cards 2 top honors showing GF and Slam interest
                        Opener decide
             4 => 6
cards 2 top honors showing GF and Slam interest
                        Opener decide
  <= asks for controls (up to 4 =4 /5 controls =4nt /6+ controls =5)

1nt response 3

 1nt       3 <= 5431 with singleton in Spades  
  3 <= relay
asks Responder if he is minimum or maximum
             Responder bids:
  => minimum  
.........     then Opener bids 4 or 4 as sign-off showing also minimum
.........        or Opener bids 5
or 5 as sign-off showing maximum 
.........   3nt => maximum

.........              Opener 4 denies stopper - minimum
Responder pass or bids 5 with 5+ controls 
.........              Opener 5
stopper - maximum
.........                 Responder pass or bid Slam in 6
with special hand
.........              Opener 5 denies
stopper - maximum
.........                 Responder pass or bid Slam in 6
with special hand
3nt  <= to play - good stoppers in majors possible
23 cards
             Responder bids:
             pass => accept to play in 3nt
             4 => 6 cards 2 top honors and singleton GF 5+ controls
                        Opener decide
             4 => 6 cards 2 top honors and singleton GF 5+ controls
                        Opener decide
 4  <= asks for controls (up to 4 =4 /5 controls =4nt /6+ controls =5)

7.3) 1nt response 3 shows singleton Hearts and 5-5 in minors
 1nt       3
 3nt <= to play - good stop in both majors 
              Responder bids:
              pass -with minimum - up to 4 controls

4 with 6 and 6+ controls
    Opener decide: 5 or even 5
with 6 and 6+ controls
                   Opener decide: 5 or even 5
shows void in Hearts and 5530
                   Opener decide 5 or 5
  <= 3+ no stopper in a major and minimum - up to 4 controls
              Responder bids:
              pass with minimum - up to 4 controls
              5 with maximum - 5+ controls
  <= 3+ no stopper in a major and minimum - up to 4 controls
              Responder bids:
              pass with minimum - up to 4 controls
with maximum - 5+ controls
  <= 3+ with maximum - 5+ controls
Responder pass or bids 6 with special hand and void in Hearts
  <= 3+ with maximum - 6+ controls
              Responder pass or bids 6 with special hand
and void in Hearts

7.4) 1nt response 3 shows singleton Spades and 5-5 in minors
 1nt       3 <=55

  3nt <= to play - good stop in both majors
             Responder bids:
              pass -with minimum - up to 4 controls  
with 6 and 6+ controls
    Opener decide: 5 or even 5
with 6 and 6+ controls
                   Opener decide: 5 or even 5
              4 shows void in Spades and 5530
                   Opener decide 5 or 5  
  <= 3+ no stopper in a major and minimum - up to 5 controls
              Responder bids:
              pass with minimum - up to 4 controls
              5 with maximum - 6+ controls
  <= 3+ no stopper in a major and minimum - up to 5 controls
              Responder bids:
              pass with minimum - up to 4 controls
with maximum - 6+ controls
  <= 3+ with maximum - 6+ controls
Responder pass or bids 6 with special hand like void in Spades
  <= 3+ with maximum - 6+ controls
              Responder pass or bids 6 with special hand



We use
Lebensohl conventions in Interference (except when is x penalty), so if Opponent bids 2
DONT or 2 CAPP or a Natural overcall at level 2 our bids at level 2 are sign-off. Using Leb there are no more transfers after interference, this means "system is off".

If we make a Stayman and opponents double our 2
, Opener without a major just bid 2 with less than 4 cards and should pass with 4 cards, and should redouble with 5. This information is important for Responder accept to play in 2 doubled

If opponent double penalty 1nt then we can use:
- pass - nothing to do - Opener with a 5 cards minors must bid it
- redouble - asking for Opener bid 2
and that can be corrected to 2
- 2
is Stayman and shows both majors
     - so Opener with no major and 5
cards can pass;
     - Opener with no major and 5
cards bids 2;
     - Opener with no major in a 4333 or 4432
bids his best 3 cards major.
- 2
is transfer to 2
- 2
is transfer to 2

Note: Responder with 6+ hcp and balanced hand must pass and after may double opponent as a penalty double.  

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