Opener's Second Bid after a 2/1 GF                 

After a major
/1) opening in first or second position if Responder bids GF in 2 or 2 or 2 there are two polemic approaches for Opener's second bid:

A- The most popular way is to show the shape of the hand:
Opener bids his second suit with 54xx or rebids his major suit with 63xx or bids 2nt with 5332. This is normal to show a minimum open with less than 16 hcp. The problem start when Opener makes a reverse bid to show his shape (45xx) without a real strong (16+ hcp) like:

Opener => AQ54 AQ765 xx xx
Opener Responder
<= Opener argument is: I am showing where are mine extra values and and there are no more reverse because we are in a GF process.
Question: How Responder will know Opener's strength hand?
In fact the information of strength is dubios for a  partnership that don't have rules to show the strength of Opener's hand in his second bid. This last sequence is a tradicional reverse bidding and shows 16-21 hcp.

Opener => A10754 Q5 x AQ743
Opener Responder
<= again Responder shows his suits but makes a reverse bidding having a weak hand. The correct open is 1 since 1930, Culbertson teach us that with 5-5 the opening is 1 with weak hand and after we rebid and Spades twice, but with strong hand we open 1 and then we bid Clubs at level 3 to show 16+ points.

So the shape sometimes doesn't clarify Opener's hand strength in his second bid and prioritize the distribution ignoring the importance in have information of Opener's strength hand.
Of  course this is a problem to Responder decide in bid or not bid a Slam

B- Another way, most used by experts players, prioritize the information of hand's strength and then try to limit the Opener's hand in his second bid even rebiding his major with only 5 cards or waiting to bid his second suit in appropriated moment. They use the 2nt bid to show 16+ hcp.

Thus lets establish rules to disciplinary the information of Opener strength.

RULE#1: When a partnership are in GF process/sequence each player should use, if possible, in his second bid the FAST ARRIVE Principle bidding game as soon as possible with 12-15 hcp hand.

RULE#2: After 1
/1 opening and a response GF at level 2 Opener:

a) bids 2nt to show 16+ hcp in any distribution, even with 6 card major:
Opener  Responder
 2ST => 16+ hcp with stopper in unbid  and  - if Opener's suit is 6 cards  then at level 3 Opener bids 3  (2nt denies support of 4 cards in
Opener's hand:
KQ109xx AQ10 K9 Qx / KJ109x AQ10 AK9 Qx

Opener  Responder
  1         2
 2ST => 16+ hcp with stopper in unbid  and - if 6 cards that will be bidded at level 3 - denies 4 cards or 4 cards or 4 cards, so distribution should be 5332 or 6322 because denies singleton when bidded nt.
Opener's hand: AQJ10xx AQ J9 K10x / KQJ9x AQ K9x QJx

b) bids 3nt with 5332 having stopper in the unbid suits with 12-15 hcp:
Opener Responder
1         2  
 3nt => minimum (13-15 hcp) Fast Arrive promise stop in unbid  and and also promise 2/3 cards in  in a 5332 distribution.  
Opener's hand: KJ109x AQ KJ9 10xx / J109xx AJ10 AQ9 Qx

c) rebids his 5 cards suit just to limit his hand with in 12-15 hcp:
Opener  Responder
  1            2
2 => minimum (12-15 hcp) can have only 5 cards or 6 or 7

Opener's hand: QJ10xx J9 AQ K10xx / AKJ109 K10x x Q10xx
Fast Arrive was not applyed when:
- no stopper in
unbid ;
- has singleton in Responder suit bidded
can't bid his second suit
- have 4 cards in but no 16+ hcp, so no reverse bid.

Opener  Responder
 1          2
 2 <= KQxxx xx AJ10x Qx  12-15 hcp and no support
can't bid 3 with 12-14 hcp - need shows his limited strength

d) jump in his major shows solid suit: AKQJxx or AKQxxxx 14+ hcp:
Opener  Responder
 1          2
 3 <= AKQJxx xx AJ10 Qx  14+ hcp and no support
for suit
this jump in 3 ensures 6 tricks in Spades suit

e) bids his second suit up the line in level 3 only with 16+ hcp;
Opener  Responder
 1          2
 3  <= AQ9xxJxAQ108Ax  16+ points (
having a 5-5 hand we must add 2 points for distribution

f) bids his second suit up the line in level 2 with 12-15 hcp;
Opener Responder
1         2  
=> 12+ hcp and denies 4 cards support to Clubs  
Opener's hand: KJ109x Ax KJ9x 10x / Q109xx Ax AQ9xx x

g) jump support to game using Fast Arrive when has minimum
Opener  Responder
 1          2 
4 =>   mínimum (12-14 hcp) fast arrrive support with 3/4 cards 
Opener's hand: KJ10xx Qxx AK Jxx / KJ10xx xxxx AQ Qxx

Opener  Responder
  1            2   
  3  =>    slow arrive means 16+ hcp and Slam interest
Responder's hand: AQxxx KJ10x K9 Kx / AKxxx AQ10 KJ9 xx 

  4  => no cuebid - so minimum response hand
Responder's hand: Jx AJ10xx KJ9 Kxx / x AQ10xxx KJ9 Qxx 

h) support Responder's minor at level 3 with 4+ cards and 12-15 hcp;
i) support Responder's minor in jump to level 4 with 4+ cards and a top honor having 16+ hcp;

Negative Example:
Some players after a 2/1 GF looking for show their suits do wrong reverse bid with 12-15 hcp

Opener Responder
  1       2
  2 <= in fact this bid needs 16+ hcp for all partnership that play reverse
Opener: KQxx KJ109x
Kxx or KQxx AJ109x x Kxx
We emphasize that the information of Opener's strength bidded in his second bids is vital for Responder take decision, avoiding orverbids and underbids, in stop at game or try Slam.


- in 2/1 system the FAST ARRIVE Principle is a usefull tool to show hand's  strength, so after a GF established, Opener and Responder should go to game (3nt, 4
, 4, 5, 5) as soon as possible or bid slowly to show a good hand (16+ hcp);

- One common rule to limit Opener's hand is the rebid of his major 5 cards at level 2 showing a minimum hand 12-15 hcp;

- After 1 opening and responses
2 or 2 Opener's bids in 2
shows a reverse hand with 16+ hcp, so Opener with 12-15 hcp in 45xx must rebid 2 waiting for 2 from Responder for then bids 4;

- If Opener's first bid is 1
then after a response in 2 a second bid in 3 or 3 promises 16+ points, so Opener with 54xx rebid 2 with 12-15 hcp;

- Opener's second bid in 2nt promises 16+ hcp with distribution 5332 or 6322 and stoppers in unbid suits;

- Responder's second bid follow also FAST ARRIVE Principle and a support in a major opening bided at level 3 is more strong than bided at level 4.
Opener Responder
             3 => 16+ hcp
             4 => 12-15 hcp

When Responder has 16+ hcp he may not use Jacoby 2nt or splinter, but just bid another suit before support Opener even with 3 cards:
Opener Responder
<= KJxxKxxAKx AJx good hand and 3+ support
......................  slow bidding - shows 16+ hcp

             4 <=
K9xxxAKQxx Qxx 3+ minimum and good Diamonds
......................  Fast Arrive 12-15 hcp

Opener Responder
<= KxKJxxQ9 AKJxx 4 and 16+ hcp
...................... slow bidding - shows 16+ hcp

<= K9QxxxAx KQxxx 4 minimum 12-15 hcp
......................  Fast Arrive - shows 12-15 hcp

Opener Responder
  4 <= minimum open hand 12-14 hcp
Opener: KxKJxxxKQJ2 xx
Q9AQxxx AKQxxx

Opener Responder
        4 <= splinter - singleton Diamonds - invitation to Slam
 4nt        5
<= 2 key cards and the Queen of trump
Opener: AKxAJxxxx852 x
J9KQxxx AKQxxx
Finally there are rare misfit situations that the GF should be abandoned due to no good conditions for a successeful contract - as Terence Reese once a time said "when misfit is found drop the bid as soon as possible".
      Opener                    Response
AKJxzxKJ75xxxx   -xxKQ9432 AQJxx
Analyses: this is a misfit hand - Responder need luck to make game in a minor at level 5 - also 4
will be difficult to make - 3nt without good  communication is out of question - so PASS is possible here!     

Corollary: The recommendation is not use the shape way to show the opener hand but to use the rules that priorise the information of strength of Opener's hand that assure conditions to better try Slam. 

onclusion: 2/1 system can't allows bad decisions based in dubious auctions and Fast Arrive Principle help to avoid dubious decision.
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