After a opening in first or second position if opponent interfere there some standards bids in 2/1 system where Responder may inform his hand to Opener and here we will discuss these Reponder's bids:


1- Suppose Responder has: xx xx AQJ10xx J10x and bidding goes:
a) Opener Overcaller Responder
       1         1            3 <= less than 10 hcp and good 6 cards

b) Opener Overcaller Responder
       1         2            3 <= less than 10 hcp and good 6 cards

c) Opener Overcaller Responder
       1        double     2 <= no redouble, less than 10 hcp, transfer to 2

d) Opener Overcaller Responder
       1        double     2 <= no redouble, less than 10 hcp, transfer to 2

e) Opener Overcaller Responder
       1         2           double <= 4+4+ or
7-9 hcp and 6 or 6 cards
      2nt        pass          3
<= sign-off
        pass          3 <= sign-off
       3        pass          pass
       3        3
             4 <= sign-off     
        pass          pass

f)  Opener Overcaller Responder
      1         2            double <= 4+4+ or
7-9 hcp and 6 or 6 cards
      2        pass          3
<= sign-off
     2nt        pass         
3 <= sign-off
        pass          3 <= sign-off
        pass          pass
        3              4 <= sign-off

2- Suppose Responder has: xx AQJ10xx
x J10x and bidding goes: 
g) Opener Opponent Responder Overcaller
     1         pass         1nt             2

     pass      pass         3
<= invitation to 4

h) Opener Overcaller Responder Opponent
     1          2/2
      double*      3/3 <= support
    pass        pass         3
<= sign-off       * means less than 10 hcp

i) Opener Overcaller Responder Opponent
     1          2/2
      double        pass
    pass        pass         3
<= invitation to 4 (if 2 then sign-off)

3- Suppose Responder has: xx KQJxxx
x J10xx and bidding goes: 
j) Opener Opponent Responder Overcaller
     1         pass         1nt             2

     pass      pass         2
<= sign-off

k) Opener Opponent Responder Overcaller
     1         pass         1nt             3

     pass      pass         3
<= sign-off


PART 2/3 - HAVING 10-11 HCP

When Responder has support to Opener's major after the interference the priority is inform partner about invitation hand with 10-11 hcp. Not necessaraly bid another suit and after support partner because this may confuse Opener: It seems Slam interesting or 2 cards support? So the cuebid is the apropriat way to inform the invitation.

4)  Suppose Responder has: 10xx AQJ10x xx K10x and bidding goes:
l) Opener Overcaller Responder
       1         2            3 <= 3 cards support 10-11 hcp
       3 <= minimum oprning 12-13 hcp - Responder should pass
      3nt <= strong opening 18-19 hcp - Responder may pass
       4 <= asking for cuebid - Responder may cuebid 4
       4 <= good opening 14+ hcp - Responder must pass

m) Opener Overcaller Responder
       1       1             2 <= 5+ and 10+ hcp one-round force
      2nt      pass          pass
       3      pass          pass <= without support game is difficult
       3      pass          pass <= maybe a misfit hand
       3      pass          pass <= Opener has minimum hand
       3      pass          4    <= Opener splinter shows Slam interesting
       4      pass          pass <= Opener has good hand

n) Opener Overcaller Responder
       1      2             3 or double <= difficult decision but double is
        ?                                                    the correct bid to avoid overbid
      2nt     pass         pass
       3     pass         pass
       3     pass           3
       3     pass           4
       4     pass          pass



When partner opens and opponent interfere making Responder's bid be at level 2 or 3 if Responder double this shows 8-11 hcp but if Responder bids then this must be GF with 12+ hcp. In case Responder double to show 4 cards in the other major and after cuebid this is GF.

5)  Suppose Responder has: 10x AKJ10x xx KQ10x
and bidding goes:
o) Opener Overcaller Responder
       1         3            3 <= GF 5+ denies 3 cards
       3                 =>   4
      3nt                 =>  pass
       4                 =>   5
       4                 =>   4
       4                 =>  pass

p) Opener Overcaller Responder Advancer
       1        1             2             3
      pass     pass          4  <= not GF because there are 2 Spades losers
      pass <= also 2 Spades losers
       4   <= Qx or xxx with minimum
       5   <= singleton Spades with minimum 5+ cards and control

6)  Suppose Responder has: x AKJx Kxx KQ10xx and bidding goes:
q) Opener Overcaller Responder Advancer
       1        2            double       3
      pass     pass          4  <= GF singleton Spades or Ace/void
      4nt <= need 2 aces to try Slam
       5 <= only one ace

r) Opener Overcaller Responder Advancer
       1       1            double       2
       3      pass          3  <= GF singleton Spades or Ace/void
      4      <= need 2 aces to cuebid so Responder should bid 4nt
                      and using rkc1430 if Opener response is 5 then 6
                      and if response is 5 (no Queen) then pass
      4      <= only one ace minimum so Responder should pass       
