GAMBLING 3NT                          

This conventions guarantee 7/8 tricks in a solid minor suit and excludes honors like A or K or 2Q in other suit, also any 4 cards in other suit and do not allow void in the hand.
Operner Responder
 3nt <= AKQxxxx(x) or AKQxxxx(x)
Examples of 3nt opening in any position are?
a) xx xx xx AKQ9832 <= 7 solid tricks 
b) x xxx xx AKQ98432  <= 8 solid tricks
c) xx xx AKQJ432 xx <= 7 solid tricks 
d) x xxx AKQ108642 xx  <= 8 solid tricks

After 2nt opening Responder bids:
Opener Responder
  3nt      pass <= accept to play 3nt with all risks     
             4 <= sign-off Opener pass or correct to 4
             4 <= asking for singleton and Opener bids:
                    4 <= singleton in Hearts
                    4 <= singleton in Spades
                    4nt <= singleton in the other minor
                    5/5  <= denies singleton 7222 distribution
             4  <= to play - Responder has solid suit in Hearts
             4  <= to play = Responder has solid suit in Spades
            4nt <= asking if the suit is 7 or 8 cards and Opener bids:
                    5  <= with 7 solid Clubs suit
                    6  <= with 8 solid Clubs suit
                    5  <= with 7 solid Diamonds suit
                    6  <= with 8 solid Diamonds suit
            5 <= to play or correct
            5 <= to play (knowing that Diamonds is the Opener suit)
            6 <= to play or correct
            6 <= to play (knowing that Diamonds is the Opener suit)

Note1: this convention give advantage in allow a transfer to declarer hand play in the solid minor suit of his partner keeping save his King or AQx to receive the lead.

Opener  We
  3nt       double - play in 3 suits 15+ hcp hand 5431 or 4441 or 4432
              4/4 good 6+ cards and 15+ hcp may have 2 cards in a major
              4 / 4 <= to play
              pass and after opponent stop in a minor then double shows weak distributional takeout for both majors 5/4 or 5/5 and partner decide

Note2: If they stop in 3nt the preference lead is ace to see dummy

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