Many partnership play this sequence as a balanced hand with 13-15 hcp, but here we propose a strength hand of 16-17 hcp with support of 4 cards in the opening minor having distribution 4333 or 4432 and stoppers in  unbid suits.

So this is a construtive response that not necessarily denies a major but assures support of 4 cards (not 5) in opening minor and offers to opener a possible try to Slam knowing Responder strength and distribution.

By the way, this avoid informations for opponents about Opener's hand, making defense more difficult.

Opener Responder
  1       3nt   <= 4 support and 16-17 hcp

Opener Responder
  1       3nt   <= 4 support and 16-17 hcp

What Opener should do after response in 3nt?
1- pass - with a balanced hand 12-15 hcp
2- jump to 5 in his minor with an unbanced hand up to 15 hcp
3- bid Slam in his minor or in 6nt
4- search partner's hand with RKB in 4 and then sign-off in his minor at level 5 or 6, or make a Specific Suit Ask (SSA) after RKB guarantee all 5 keycards.
SSA modified:
step 1 => only third control - Qx or Qxx or Qxxx or QJx or QJxx
step 2 => second control - Kxx or Kxxx
step 3 => second and third control ruffing - Kx
step 4 => secong and third control withr KQx or KQxx
returning to the agreed suit means Jxxx in this suit because Responder by agreement must have stopper in unbid suits.

......Opener: AJxx xx Kx KQJxx
Responder: Kx Axx AJxx A109x 
Opener Responder   explanations 
 1         3nt               (1) RKB1430 for
 4(1)    4(2)           (2) zero or 3 keycards    
 4(3)    5(4)           (3) SSA for Spades
 6         pass             (4) third step (Kx)

......Opener: AJxx x KJ10xx AKx
Responder: KQx Axx AQxx Q109 
Opener Responder   explanations 
 1         3nt               (1) RKB1430 for
 4(1)    4nt(2)          (2) fourth step - 2 keycard with Q    
 5(3)    6(4)           (3) SSA for Spades
 7         pass             (4) fourth step (KQx)

......Opener: A10xx K10xx Kx Kxx
Responder: Qxx Axx Axx AQJx 
Opener Responder   explanations 
 1         3nt               (1) minimum balanced

......Opener: KJxx x KJ109zx Kx
Responder: Qxx AQx AQxx Q109 
Opener Responder   explanations 
 1         3nt               (1) minimum unbalanced
 5(1)    pass                 

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